CDE-Approved Professional Development Clock Hours: An official certificate will be available after our spring workshop showing that you participated in three (3) clock hours of learning.
Graduate Credit: ROCKE is pleased to provide graduate credit for our 2021-2022 Workshops through Adams State University.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: In order to receive a Passing grade, the participant must:
Attend the workshops listed below. Participants must sign in at the beginning of the workshop and sign out when leaving to receive full credit for attendance.
Actively participate in all activities.
Attend before-workshop and after-workshop activities as outlined below.
Teach a short (5-10 minute) “tried-and-true” lesson fragment to class participants.
Submit a written reflection paper, due April 30. This 1-2 page paper should detail at least one big idea or activity from each workshop and list how the participant will incorporate it into their classroom.
Please be sure you take a look at the Syllabus and requirements for credit by clicking on the link below: